
September 2024

Thanks to our friends at Goop for recommending their astrologer and psychic Hedy Noemi who is the founder of Nymph of Neptune. She offers psychic readings, birth chart analysis andastrology-based life coaching, Click here to book your personal reading online - www.nymphofneptune.com


March 21 - April 19

Stay humble, organised and romantic this September. If you can abide by those three pillars, you’ll have easy navigation through the month and arrive the other side feeling satisfied. You don’t have to try too hard this month, as Venus in the sign opposite yours is smoothing out your relationships, and bringing helpful allies into your orbit. It’s a time for living lightly, and simply. The New Moon on September 3rd lights up your sector of health and routine. So your only task is to streamline your time management, and nourish your body. This is also the sector of service, so although your pioneering sign prefers to be in leadership positions, stay humble and help those around you this month to please the skies and build up good karma. Mars moves into your home sector on the 4th, which is great for home improvement projects, re-decorating, or cooking up a storm. As well as being the passionate planet of energy and courage, Mars rules sex and conflict. So keep that in mind and channel any tempestuous feelings in healthy ways. Since the new moon is in your health zone, you could break out of your comfort zone and take your workout outdoors. The right dose of adventure will help balance your energy and burn off any excess impatience due to Mars. Career matters can take a back seat this month, as they’ll have their turn later in the year. The Lunar Eclipse on 18th September will beam in your sector of endings, rest and surrender, so give yourself the time you need to process any baggage before October rolls around. 


April 20 - May 20

Don’t hold back, that’s the message this month. Embrace all parts of you and practice radical self-acceptance. The universe has been opening up new opportunities over the past several years since Uranus, the planet of awakening entered your sign in 2019. Now, for the first time in two years Mars will be adding his passionate, driven energy to the mix as he enters your house of communication and courage on September 4th. Your gentle sign has always been one of the most creative of the zodiac, but now Mars will help you blaze past self-doubt or the opinions of others. This aligns nicely with the New Moon on September 3rd, which gives birth to a new cycle in your sector of self-expression, romance and children. Whether you’re inspired by some kids you see on your morning walk, or you allow your own inner child to dance freely in self-love, this is the month to trust your curiosity and play! The wisdom of the child is not to question, but to do. The stars are helping you tap into that simplicity this month. The Full Moon on September 18th is in your 11th house of community, friendships and networking, so circle all the good energy you have back out to others. Your self-mastery inspires those around you! 


May 20 - June 21

September satisfaction comes from finding the sweet spot between career and home life. The Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 18th lights up your long term goals and reputation. Is there something you can do to become more visible? This year is not the time to hide, as Jupiter in your sign until summer 2025 is supporting your personal desires with abundance. Jupiter is the teacher, so seeking wise counsel or staying close to those you consider good guides will help you naturally attract more success. Try to understand the deeper wisdom behind what you’re pursuing this year, and make sure to choose the road that reflects the highest potential for you, rather than only personal success. If you can help others on your way to the top, Jupiter will make sure to gather resources and people who align with your mission. On September 4th Mars moves into your financial security zone, which helps you attract more money and sink deeper into your confidence. If wealth matters are where you want them to be, then enjoy the light hearted energy of Venus in your 5th house of romance, children and play! Your career thrives when you are excited about what you’re doing. If you work with other women, then Venus in Libra wants you to activate the goddess energy between you and others to effortlessly find creative flow together. How you do that is up to you. Get creative and try something new! You might find sudden inspiration when you take your foot off the break and dive into music, art or fashion. Ultimately, September’s sky wants you to refine your motivations for why you choose certain goals, and enjoy a feminine approach to success. You’re playing the long game. 


June 21 - July 22

Mars busts into your sign on September 4th, giving you a welcome boost of energy and courage to pursue whatever your heart desires. Mars is the planet of confidence and imparts strong boundaries to whichever sign he visits. This is a welcome tool for your sensitive sign as you can often take on the energy of others. For the next couple months, the skies are giving you a chance to break out of limitations, and take healthy risks. You might feel more adventurous than usual, or simply more confident to pursue your goals without distractions. The new moon on the 3rd opens up a harmonious cycle in your sector of short distance travel and communication. This aligns nicely with Mars in your sign, opening up your viewfinder and perhaps drawing new faces into your orbit. You’ll be feeling especially social this month thanks to the new moon and Venus in Libra, softening all your interactions. Trust that you don’t have to push career matters this month, but that the satisfaction you seek is found in pursuing personal desires and nourishing all your social connections. Whether it’s reconnecting with old friends, or networking with purpose, stay open minded because others have things to teach you. Inspiration and joy could come from unexpected conversations. The mystery of September peaks with the Full Moon lunar eclipse on September 18th, lighting up your sector of wisdom, teachers and truth. With your confidence bolstered by Mars, and your diplomacy enhanced by Venus, you have everything you need. Your understanding of an important matter could shift while reading something out of your comfort zone or engaging with a wise soul. Stay open to important lessons. 


September is a sweet mix of opportunities for creativity, socialising, and a maturation of your finances. The New Moon on September 3rd is in your second house of savings and self-esteem. Yes, astrology links those two categories. If everything is fine and dandy in your wallet, then this new moon could help you sink into deeper self-acceptance. You have all month until the Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 18th to revel in your creativity, express yourself with friends and enjoy this energy of abundance. From the 5th onwards, Mars moves into your sleepy house of spirituality and endings. This is also the realm of imagination and all things beyond the veil - so great for art, painting, meditation and cinema. Detach from the outer world by losing yourself in your favourite movies or albums. Mars in this sector wants you to uncover lost pearls of your uniqueness by colouring outside the lines and detaching from the day-to-day routine. When Mars finally breaks into your sign on November 4th, you’ll have renewed confidence in your own essence and an urge to share your enthusiasm for life. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 18th illuminates your 8th house of transformation and intimacy, so there are bound to be fruits to your healing, if you are ready for tangible change. Choose what you want to receive most in your life now, and align your self-worth so that the eclipse can help bring it in for you. This Full Moon is a reminder that your sexuality expands when you are enriched with inspiring art, cinema and hobbies. 

July 23 - August 22


August 23 - September 22

Until September 9th, your planetary ruler, Mercury, is in your imaginative zone of dreams, spirituality and the subconscious. Which means you can use this time as your creative incubator to fuel the rest of 2024. If your nervous system could use some tlc, the first ten days of September are great for lie ins, yin yoga, and any rituals that feel like a tonic to the fast pace of life. You can afford to take things slowly thanks to Venus lingering in your house of income and self-esteem. This is a reminder that you’re of best service to others when you are relaxed, nourished and happy. You also attract more wealth when you’re connected to your essence. Money likes a vibrant aura! So use the first few weeks of September to replenish your reserves. Mars is in your 10th house of career until the 20th, encouraging you to go for gold. If all is where it should be in your work, then this time will bring attention and well deserved accolades. If using your voice or writing is a key part of your life, then this month wants you to shut out distractions and pour your heart onto the page. After Mercury moves into your sign on the 10th, your attention will be pulled out to mingle with others. Whether online through a flurry of emails, or for in-person escapades, choose your engagements wisely and say no to whatever doesn’t feel aligned. This is your month to set a new balance that will help you flow through the rest of 2024. 


September 23 - October 22

Venus is in Libra until the 22nd, making September a month filled with beauty, leisure and friendship. Your diplomatic sign is ruled by the planet of Peace, so the skies this month align naturally with your essence. Make time for the special women in your life, both family and friends, as Venus will naturally strengthen your bond and bring opportunities for shared joy together. The first ten days are about keeping things simple and tending to the details of your life, as the New Moon on September 3rd opposes Saturn in your organisation sector. Are things where they should be? Get your house in order now, so you can flow through the rest of 2024 without having to look back over your shoulder. Mercury has just gone direct in your 12th house, so this is a time to tie up loose ends, have overdue conversations, and put unnecessary collaborations that don’t work to bed. Mars and Jupiter are both in your philosophical sector of travel, learning and teachers until the 9th. So it’s a wonderful time for considering big questions and tapping into the theory that informs your life path. Ask the right questions, and you’ll gain wisdom about your life. After the 10th, Mars moves into simple territory of career and networking - your comfort zone. So enjoy the connections September brings.


October 23 - November 21

Your passionate sign is ruled by Mars - who until September 4th, is stirring up the heat in your sector of intimacy, transformation and wealth. This cycle has been going on since July 20th, so the first days of September help you integrate what you’ve learnt about your desires and what you want in relationships. Mars won’t return here for another two years, so this time was intended to turn your focus inwards, and remind you of how powerful you can be when you tune out distractions. You are one of the most magnetic signs, adept at lassoing things into your orbit, but the question September asks you to consider, is how do you contribute to the wider benefit of all? The New Moon on September 3rd opens up a month-long cycle in your 11th house of networking, community and friendships, white Mercury, the ruler of this new moon, is nestled in your sector of career and reputation. This is a month to use your visibility for the greater good. Recognise the ability you have to make waves in the universe. Your words, thoughts and actions matter. So what would you like to see happen? This doesn’t necessarily have to be about moral responsibility, but instead about how your creativity inspires those around you, and when you aim towards a higher good, opportunities arise. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on September 18th challenges you to put your ego aside, and recognise that when you embrace your gifts without pride, all limits fall away.


November 22 - December 21

September is all about business, your big goals, and the people who make your life easier. With Mars wrapping up a lengthy cycle in your relationship house since July 20th, you’ve learnt some valuable lessons around conflict in management in recent weeks, as well as boundaries. Now, the New Moon on September 3rd in your sector of long term goals wants you to shoot for the stars, and land gracefully. Venus is helping you out as she nests in your community sector, so there will be plenty of chances to socialise and enjoy special moments with friends this month. There’s a cosmic combination in the coming weeks that wants you to take a different approach to how you do things. Can you slow things down, and focus your energy on the moodboard stage of things? Consider the ideas and images that inspire what you want for your life. As Mercury moves from your sector of wisdom and spirituality into your expansive career zone on September 9th, he’ll speed up your progress and fill your days with meetings, conversations and demands on your time. So get clear on your motivations first. Understanding the values that inform your decisions will help strengthen your aura and allow for more flow. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 18th is in your home and family sector, so it’s okay to pull back from the outside world and tend to your nearest and dearest. After a busy few weeks, give yourself extra nourishment and rest. 


December 22 - January 19

Bring a touch of elegance and beauty to everything you do career-wise this month. Whether that means taking clients out to a beautiful natural environment for meetings, or giving your website a makeover, September wants to smooth out all your professional relationships. This is thanks to Venus in Libra, who all month long will light up your sector of reputation and long-term goals. Your sign is naturally gifted at climbing the ladder of success, and you effortlessly know how to strategize. However, the stars of September want you to take a softer approach. Venus will be opening up new levels of creativity within you, so play around with pinterest, or dedicate time to a hobby that allows you to express yourself. Your vibrant energy will flow outwards and attract useful allies who align with your purpose. The New Moon on September 3rd is in your house of wisdom, teachers and adventure, which can be channeled to all areas of your life. This moon cycle wants to expand your mind and asks you to put down some of the overly-structured frameworks you abide by. Mars will also be encouraging a freer approach, helping you break out of any self-imposed barriers after September 4th when he enters Cancer. This transit lasts until November 4th and will bring passion and energy to any lackluster relationships. As Mars sits in Cancer, he opposes your sign, daring you to try something new and be bold. Enjoy it and use the Lunar Eclipse on September 18th to explore your local neighborhood, unexpected chances for connection may be close by. 


January 20 - February 18

Inviting more spirituality into your life this month will bring you creative flow and peace this month. Venus, planet of creativity, love and rejuvenation is in your 9th house of wisdom. Whether you recommit to a transformative yoga class, or enroll in an online class, when you invite more learning into your month ahead, you’ll have more energy and feel satisfied. Especially after September 20th, once Mars moves into your health and work sector, you’ll want to streamline your daily life, to see if you can leave more room for adventure in your calendar. Tending to your personal life helps unlock ease in other sectors like career. The skies are giving you cosmic permission to indulge your desires. Especially on September 3rd, with the New Moon in your intimacy zone, you’ll feel more open to sharing your needs with a partner. For those of you riding this journey solo, the new moon is a window of opportunity for more wealth, and self-empowerment. Remember you become magnetic when you are relaxed and happy. So lean into personal hobbies this month and trust that the rest will unfold in divine timing. The best thing you can do for yourself this September, is follow your curiosity. 


February 19 - March 20

The New Moon on September 3rd is in your relationship zone, opening up a cycle of growth for all your significant partnerships. Whether you are single or happily married, the September skies want you to look after and nourish your relationships. How do you show up in relation to another? Is there anything you want to change? These are all good questions to ask yourself. Since March 2023, Saturn has been staring down your relationship zone, so as the planet of commitment and responsibility, there’s been a serious quality to  your relationships. If you’re single, you’ve been perhaps more committed to yourself than anything else, but this new moon wants to help you reconnect with romance. For those of you coupled up, Venus in your 8th house of sexuality is asking you to shut out the world and dive deeper with your SO. Remember how your desire soars when you keep things playful! This transit of Venus could bring some memorable nights. Focus on your home and family this month, as that’s where you’ll find the most satisfaction. Whether cooking up a storm with your kids, or redecorating a corner of your property, these next few weeks are about bringing more colour to your domestic life. This is due to Mars in your home sector until September 20th, so you’ll feel more grounded if you can invite some fun and spontaneity into the weekly routine at home. Mars gets bored easily, so try something new in the kitchen, or bedroom, and September will fly by.